Grind Testing Protocol


We reset and prepared each set of test skis appropriately for the given temperature, humidity, and snowvtype conditions. At the testing site, we initially skied approximately 2 km to break-in each pair of skis, as seen below.

[S1a, S1b], [S2a, S2b], [S3a, S3b], [S4a, S4b]

We then split up each pair of skis and sorted them into randomized pairs.

[S1a, S4b], [S2a, S4a], [S2b, S3b], [S1b, S3a]


For each randomized pair, we chose a 'winner' and a 'loser' using a 'feel test'. This feel test involved skiing a given pair of skis approximately 1 km and evenly switching the skis from one foot to the other over the course of that distance in order to determine which ski 'felt' the best across multiple variables (including overall speed, ease of release, and general slickness).1

After testing the initial set, we assembled a new set of randomized pairs from the selected winners and an additional new set of randomized pairs from the selected losers. Using the same methodology that led to the first sets of winners and losers, we feel tested  the new sets and determined the second rotation's winners and losers. This process was repeated until we confirmed an overall winner and loser.

Following the confirmation of an overall winner and loser, we deduced an order for skis and listed a full ranking.

[S2b > S4a > S1a > S2a > S3b > S1b > S3a > S4b]


1 In an effort to remove random error from each “feel test”, a minimum of two other ski testers skied each randomized pair of skis until the group reached a consensus.