Tour de Finn | 3/1 Update

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  • By Allie Rykken
  • Posted in Tour de Finn
Tour de Finn | 3/1 Update

I’m sitting here drinking coffee while Pepsi Cup Challenge skiers run around in what appears to be zero degrees and sunny! I’m having some major FOMO, because a) the Ridge is still the BEST in my mind and b) I imagine conditions are pretty good. And I’ve failed to reach my six race goal this year - NEXT YEAR! I’m already thinking about TDF 2026 :) Anyway, enough about me.


The Tour de Finn is rounding the corner into the final weekends here, and I’m so grateful to everyone who has bought into the concept that ski racing is a great lifestyle, and we can both scheme about which races are going to get us big points and also high five our competitors at the finish over pasties or wild rice soup.


We lost a couple of races but sure had a good run. This year, we are actually getting to enact our bonus points for getting over 3 and 6 races, as well as picking the best six races for individuals who get over 6 races. It looks like Craig Cardinal, Eva Reinicke, and Ron Omann are currently at 7 races (maybe 8 after today?) and Louis Sirota, Kathryn Pintar, and Joseph Altendahl are at six each. Quite a few at five. Anyway, it’s been cool to see how these additional points play out and the concept of showing up at these races has been rewarding, which was the hope!


In terms of teams, Vakava Pink has the lead, but TSCS: Icy Insurgents are not far behind, and reigning champions the YAM BAM Thank you Ma’am! Team coming in third. I’ll be curious who hangs in there these last races, and you can check the results page - Karl has been on top of updating the standings, and thanks to all who send in any edits. That’s always helpful. Especially kind if it’s for the other team!


Last race, we have the Ski North Ultra - conditions are trying to hang in there. Organizers will decide mid-week which trails we’ll be able to work with after a warm-up earlier in the week. B Plan is a Lake Superior cold plunge. Oh wait, no! Just kidding.


Please mark your calendars for Thursday, March 20 for an awards party at Finn Sisu, 6:30 - 8 pm.


Also, would anyone like to help me organize a TDF affiliated SkiBall game? Maybe March 15 or 16? I’d just really like to play SkiBall. THANKS!