Madshus Gear - Margie Freed
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- By Margie Freed

Halfway through the winter is a great time to refresh some of your gear! Maybe you skied over some rocks and your skis haven’t been the same, or your boots are still giving you blisters. Or you’ve found that you could use another pair of skis to cover different snow conditions. Either way, Finn Sisu can help! One thing I’d suggest you strongly consider is Madshus gear. I’ve skied on Madshus equipment my entire collegiate and professional career, and can tell you that each year as I try their new equipment I notice the improvements. In addition, Madshus is a familiar site on the biathlon World Cup podium (unfortunately not with me….yet :)) so you know that many of the world’s best skiers agree that Madshus delivers top performance.
One thing I’m glad to report is that Finn Sisu has begun to stock Madshus gear and has selected a few options that I would highly recommend!
First, Madshus skate skis are a great choice with a unique build and structure. They help skiers use finesse along with power, which can benefit athletes at any level. You won’t find this unique, smooth feeling with other brands. Finn Sisu carries the ‘F3’ model which is perfect for the slower snow you’ll find as temperatures rise as we head into spring.
As for the Madshus boots, you’ll find a unique new system called the Double BOA, identified by the two circles sticking out from the side. The Double Boa technology offers improved precision with fit and comfort, surpassing the single BOA technology used by most other manufacturers. The biggest difference I’ve noticed with the Double BOA while skiing in Europe this season is the ability to focus the tightness on the front or back of the foot. This is really beneficial with changing weather so my boots fit well regardless of my sock thickness or if I have toe warmers on! This system has been added to both classic and skate boots. New Madshus boots also feature a water resistant but still breathable outer covering. It’s great for all sorts of weather since there is almost nothing worse than wet feet in cold weather.
If racing fast isn’t really your thing, and you’re looking more for adventuring, the Madshus back country gear is probably right for you. With over 100 years of experience, the brand knows how to provide skiers with the best gear for whatever they do. I hope you stop by and check out Finn Sisu’s Madshus gear! Tell them Margie sent you :). It won’t get you a better deal, but it is better than just talking about the traffic on your drive over!